NOTE: To read about me and
more of my writings go

written by Cathryn Hughes

Seasons .......In the fall, leafs fall down,
the plants lose their green,
trees die of their old growth in preparation to grow anew.

So are we in the seasons of life.
We go through times of testing.
We learn from our mistakes, rid ourself of the old ways.
We learn how to grow in new ways, growing stronger, to resist the bad things we did before,
to face the new challenges of life.
God gives us choices to choose to love,
and give or to hate, and take.
Some people never grow at all.
Some people choose to grow.
If a plant is not watered and cared for it dies,
so are we, when we neglect
what God wants us to see, and
the lessons we are to learn.
Let God show you the seasons
life so your life will be strong, always
maturing, filled with the love,
strength, and the joy of life.
No, not perfect, but guided by the hands of Jesus.
Through him we can live the seasons for Jesus.
Through him can you only receive true balance.
Be at peace with all.
If you have a burden you had to bear, or you
are angry at someone-- try forgiveness.
It will lighten your load and help
you through the seasons of Love.

Let Love be your greatest aim!
Be fair and follow your heart.
Then you will be able to blossom forth
like a beautiful flower in the
Spring and be a delight to those around you.
There is nothing more refreshing
than a nice word, a smile,
helping someone, or encouraging others.
May we always aim to bring
sun rays to those around us.

Let laughter well up in our hearts-- share
it with our families, and friends. Be contagious!
Spread the sunshine around.
If we lived like the plants and the trees,
wouldn't life be great?
We can all do our part to grow
with the seasons and the ways
that are right. We would
absolutely Flourish beam lights!
We don't have to fall and stay down.
We don't have to "winter"
our self to the cold ones.
We surely can "spring" forth in this life
in God's success, learning,
growning, and sprout into a wonderful
people. And when the "summer"
comes, the heat is on, we can say,
I CAN instead of I CAN'T.
I WILL instead of I WON'T. Thank God for the seasons of life...
More Writings by Missteecat
Subtle Thoughts
By Cathryn Hughes

Life's subtle moments,
when the truth is known,
all is out in the open...

New changes come....
Affects us in both positive and negative ways...

Life is always changing...
It is how we handle what comes our way that counts!!!
No one knows the future...
Yet we don't see what lies ahead...
We walk knowing that each day is new...
We don't have to dread...

How do we handle our day?
Do we make the best of it?
Or do we make it harder instead?
Do we wake up with a smile, looking forward to the day?
Or, do we wish we never got up to play?

It is all attitude that makes our life what it is.
It can be good or bad...

It's our choice to be happy or sad!!!
Do we moan, and groan because it is the crack of dawn?
When Monday comes our way?

Or, do we look forward to the challenge the week will bring?
What are we thinking?
What will we say!!!
What are we doing to make life great.
The greatest joy is being happy inside ourselves.

We are the only one who can really make our own self happy inside. Happiness is a choice. God gives us that choice to choose.

Happy or sad..
What are we feeding our thoughts with?
Which do we choose?
When someone hurts us, do we take the time to pray for them?
That God will help and bless them, and bring them His way?

Or do we hold a grudge, and never forgive them?
The choice is for each of us to make.
To hate people, or love other in of Jesus name...

Lots of decisions to make in a life time...
Yes, it affects you and me...

And we can all make a positive difference.T
he way we decide, will show you which way it will be.
See the problems before us... Decide what we should do...
Don't be afraid to do what is right...

Don't give into the things we should not do.
Be logical--use good judgement, common sense...
A God given advice...
Then your decisions you make will be good ones for the rest of your life...
Growth doesn't hurt anyone...
Only helps us see...
Put away our pride to say,
"I am sorry" it's really not is hard to say...

Make things right inside your heart and soul.
Our pride doesn't have to be the ruler of our life...
A clean heart and mind is such a delight.
Our humility and giving can help get our minds off of
our own problems...
Then we will see how better off we
really are...

When we think of people worse off than we,
it often times helps us to see that
we CAN work out our own problems.
And that we are not so bad off.
What does it mean to be faithful and true in Jesus?
To stay honest and open about everything...
To God and to man.
And life will come easier!
Humans make life harder than it has to be...
They dig their own holes...
We don't have to make it so hard that way...
Just live the best and let it flow in the Lord...
Using wisdom in everything we do,
Can help us see our direction...
We will start to see God's side of the picture...
And His Word will bring us through!
Let Jesus be the one to show you!!!
He will never let you down!!!
He will never leave nor forsake you...
He will always be around!!!
When you face the end of your life,
and you seek God in his presence,
You can stand before him in confidence as he says,
"Well done, thy good and faithful servant!"
Jesus Loves You!

There is nothing like God's peace!
Even the wind and sea obey Him Reach Out and Let God Touch You!

Jesus Died for you so that you can live.
When he rose from the grave 3 days later,
He brought victory for you and me.If you give your life to Christ,

You will experience eternity with Him.
You will not die but will live forever!