A site to inform people of scam letters and their different approaches so that you can be aware of them and avoid being a victim of scam! Hope this information helps you.

SECURE YOUR WEBSITES AND EMAIL: Many websites and emails are being hacked into by hackers and the new things they are doing is getting into your email account and sending letters that they are stranded and need money to get home. They do this so they can arrange a payment to them in their scam to make money. BEWARE... Whenever you get a letter such as this,  from your friends, and you know they would not write a letter such as this--you will know that this letter was done by a hacker in your friend's email. If your friend has another email, contact them! Let them know so they can take action to  contact all their friends to let them know. Many times they can't get back into their email again because the hackers sometimes change the password.  I had this happen to several of my friends. Luckily I made sites for them and gave them the message in their site mail so they could change even their site password and get another email. 
What helps you not get hacked in your emails and websites? Change your password to a 9 digit number letter combination. Example: can861dor920  this is a combination of letters and numbers and it's harder for a hacker to get into your site and email this way. You want to secure your site so that people do not change your password and mess up your site.  

Let's begin...
Things to always remember when meeting people on emails or on the net:

*NEVER GIVE PERSONAL INFORMATION OUT--Never give out your phone number, or any personal information
to anyone on the net. Never give out your bank account EVER.....Don't deal with anyone wanting to send you
money through your bank. If you give them access to your account, they will rob your account money. Don't ever
put your bank account number on your website or in your Email. People can rob your account. Many scams are
good at finding a way to get into your account if you give that account number freely. So secure yourself.

PERSONAL INFORMATION STORED ON YOUR COMPUTER: Make sure your personal information you store
on your computer is secure with a firewall. This way Hackers can't get your personal information. Make sure to
have a good Anti-spy and Anti-Virus on your computer.

Remember, you never met them in person!
They may seem sweet and honest but they can be scammers. They are professional at getting money
from people this way. Many scammers sweet talk you until they get what they want.

No matter how sad the story may be told to you. Many lie to get money.

They are not in the right standing with God.
And God does not ordain a minister to beg. Ministers who beg for money when they don't even know
you personally are only trying to take advantage of you. A true man of God will get to know you as a friend,
and not just to find money. Be careful to know a person well and go see what they do in their country before
you decide to support them. Find people who are only wanting friendship and who do not want things from you.
These will be better friends.

*DON'T FALL IN LOVE ON EMAIL. You don't know a person until you meet them in person. They could be a
This is illegal!

*WATCH FOR CONSISTANCY: Take your time in getting to know a person.when you meet people and make
sure their stories always are the same. Be careful, even if they are nice.Make sure you ask them lots of questions.
And if they change their story, you know they are lying.

Don't pay them or help them. They are only using you! They need to go through proper channels to get their own
visa, if they want to travel, and they have to get them at the embassy of the country they are traveling to--and do
that in their own country. This is the legal way it works! If you sponsor a friend, you are only obligated to house
and feed them, and provide transportation to and from the airport and where you plan to take them. They should
be able to get their own visa and airline ticket.

... People all have different reasons for finding a friend. Some
only become a friend to find a sponsor for themselves. This is called using you. If they are sincere in being a friend,
they will leave it up to you to decide to sponsor them. If they are sincere, they would take the time to get to know
friends on the net and wait for someone to invite them! Remember, if they are following the Word of God, they will
not be beggars. They would have the right spirit to just get to know their brothers and sisters in the Lord. A donor or
sponsor is a person who decides to give.A wise sponsor, will take the time to get to know a person in person and
go and see what they are doing before they decide to be a sponsor. This is not decided in email.  A wise sponsor
will know a person well before inviting
them to their country. We are supposed to check out the spirits of people to see if they are of God. So take your time.
Use wisdom in all your emails. Check the people out first before you make any commitment to even be friends.
Write to them awhile to see what type of personality they are. Don't be gullible, be cautious. This will prevent you from
becoming a victim.

MARRYING OVERSEAS: Don't go to another country just to marry someone you met on the email.
Have you been around them in person to see who they really are and observe how they live first?
What if they are not compadible to you? How can anyone marry someone they never met and got to
know in person first?  And if you do decide to marry in another country, find out the laws first.
 It can be very expensive, and if you are not ready for that, you will go through hard times. 
This could cause you to be separated  over a year from your spouse, especially if you plan to return
to your country. For it takes a year and a half to get a visa for your spouse ok'd, before they can return to be
with you. It's a very costly -- so check into  the laws before you even consider this. And if you are interested
in a person, wait until you meet them and get to know them a few months before you make any decisions
to commit to a relationship. This way, you can see how they live and not be quick to rush into a mistake.
 If you rush and marry them, without knowing them, they could just be using you to come to your country.
So be careful! Some people even rob you when you meet them. So use caution and your head.
You need to use wisdom and caution in all circumstances when you meet people overseas.
There are ways you can check these people out to see if they are true or not. You can send people to meet
with them and find out about them. You can ask around and check where their family is and talk to them. 

See Marriage Fraud Video>>
Woman Scammed of $400,000 dollars
a must see video!
Search Engine Optimization and SEO Tools

Welcome to The SCAM Website, where I reveal and expose scams to you. Showing you what to avoid, and help prevent you from being scammed, or a victim scam, how you must show great caution with those you visit with on the computer.



If anyone calls you telling you they need to fix something on your computer
and that they are from WINDOWs and a technician, do not listen to them and
hang up--They are scams! They would instruct you to do things on your PC
to cause your security on your computer to be accessed. Hang up on them...

NEWEST PHONE SCAM: People calling your phones saying they are
they work at the police department, and that they took your car license picture
when you ran a red light. That you can pay them by phone instead of being arrested.
Then they get your credit card information and then send you an email to confirm it.
Then you get a cancellation notice in your email (which means nothing because they
already took the money out of your credit card). Many people do not even check their
credit card transactions and do not find what scams are doing...
So if you get phone calls from telemarketing, or people wanting personal information
from you, hang up and do not even talk to them. This will save you getting your money
Never talk to people who call with telemarketing, or companies wanting information
or a choice to push numbers on your phone, never give out personal information to any
phone calls you get. This will secure you.
The way I handle all telemarketing calls or junk calls like this is to click my
phone to answer and then hang up. I don't even talk to them..